Documentary / editorial photography
Selection of documentary photography on site. From corporate events till volunteers on bare feet. We’re all connected, isn’t it?
Art / Analogue photography
Documentary / editorial photography
Selection of documentary photography on site. From corporate events till volunteers on bare feet. We’re all connected, isn’t it?
Tanzania Unlimited Ltd. / 2008
This art photography project portrays Tanzania’s multifaceted, emerging economy. It highlights natural, industrial and cultural diversity, and socio-economic developments related to export companies. The project represents various industries, such as manufacturing, mining, (cultural) tourism and agriculture. Through artistically-staged and documentary photography on location, Tanzania Unlimited Ltd. shows a bigger picture of today’s life and society in Tanzania. Whereby local inhabitants are closely connected to the demands and expanding activities of international investors. Let’s discover a new image of Africa.
The project includes 2 slideshows, representing journeys through Tanzania’s economy
– Smaller selection of art (and documentary) photography: 2.5 minutes/per image
– Broad selection of documentary (and art) photography: 10 sec./per image.
Documentary photography within this broad selection relates to artistic sceneries. And is based on situations, current affairs and collaborations with people. More than 200 images, duration 14 min. View the slideshow of Tanzania Unlimited Ltd. on youtube. Originally edited for screening on a public art/movie screen at a railway station.
Thanks for the openness and support of participating companies and individuals. Tanzania’s potential, diversity and complexity are in fact overwhelming; the time is ripe for the world to discover it. All works (dark room) C-print/fine art photo paper, unless stated otherwise.
This project is supported by: The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture; van Bijlevelt Foundation; Niemeyer Fund Foundation
Articles, backgrounds and prints:
Article International Museum of Women: ‘ “Tanzania Unlimited Ltd.” is a collection of photos showcasing business in Africa. It focuses on Tanzania’s economy, which has grown due to increased exports and other international trade. Though new industries are a boone to the nation’s economy, participation in the global market also creates cultural tension. International companies often impose foreign social codes and structures onto Tanzanian society, creating a culture clash in the business arena. This tension, along with the country’s ethnic diversity and growing local economy, sets the stage for Mathilde Jansen’s documentary-style, collage, and set-up photography..’ Read more here
Interview Her Circle e-zine:
Media & natural resources:
Publications / selection of commissioned works
> Selection of streetcasting portaits for KPN
Bijlmer studies / 2007
In 2007 I was lucky to be selected to rent a house with 2 floors for living and a base floor as a studio. I loved the nature and informal atmosphere of my former Bijlmer neighborhood (suburb of Amsterdam).
Article International Museum of Women: ‘The Bijlmer, an intercultural suburb of Amsterdam, is undergoing a long-term renovation project that may reverse its image as a chaotic ghetto brimming with shadow industries. My collage, Destinations, expresses the universal search for a brighter future with better economical conditions, where two completely different worlds intersect.’
Read more about Destinations here
Heartbeat Iran / 2005
Art travel organized by Rietveld Academy. Launch art book publication in 2010