Exoticorum Imaginis Decem (Ten Images of Exotic Life Forms) /  2012

The photography project shows parallel worlds of new and modern forms of nature. To visualize palpable – existing and imaginary – connections between (exotic) natural resources and daily used consumer products made from it. Products are integrated in local natural environments, referring to historical use of natural materials and (rural) areas where people depend less on global trade. I wanted to research my consciousness of nature, influenced by the way it surrounds me in the Netherlands, and related to awareness of (scarcity of) natural resources of the planet and global economy. 
Constructions are photographed on site in 7 (city)parks of Amsterdam and 3 locations in the (green) Eastern Netherlands.
2500 Posters (double sided A3 FSC certified paper) are distributed in Amsterdam in Sep/Oct 2012, to organizations, households and cultural venues around the photography sites.
This project is made possible by The Amsterdam Fund for the Arts & the artist.

In dit project worden consumer products teruggebracht naar hun natuurlijke oorsprong, tenminste, ze vinden een nieuwe harmonie. Memoblaadjes ontluiken in de vroege lente, rijpe condooms hangen plukklaar in de boom, bloemen stuiven cement. Deze bijzondere nieuwe synthese voltrekt zich in de Amsterdamse parken, de foto’s zijn daarvan het bewijs. 2200 Amsterdammers hebben deze kleine wonderen inmiddels in hun brievenbus ontvangen.

– Read more about the project / Lees meer over het project
– Persbericht Exoticorum Imaginis Decem

Thanks to the kind support of